CBD is a unique cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant which provides amazing health benefits without the feeling of being high. When you apply CBD topically, sublingually, or through inhalation techniques, CBD will interact with the neuroreceptors found in your endocannabinoid system. This cannabinoid will send signals throughout your cells so you can achieve an improved mood, improved immune system response, and greater ease with movements.
Discover the Difference CBD Can Make
House of Evolution has a vast selection of premium CBD products including tinctures, gummies, pain relief balms, soaps, vape cartridges, and more! Our CBD products will give you a clear mind, a feeling of happiness along with a calmness that will help you throughout your day. Our CBD products also help to rid the feelings of anxiety that you would normally feel, making you much more productive and happy.\
Find Relief from CBD
Most of our CBD products are full spectrum, giving you all the benefits the cannabis plant has to offer. You’ll have greater satisfaction with improved concentration, focus and peace of mind. If you’re in Ann Arbor, Canton, Hamburg, Ypsilanti, South Lyon, Plymouth, Whitmore Lake, Saline, and Brighton, MI and you are interested in our CBD products, call us today at (231) 681-5456 and we’ll help you determine the best products for your needs. Also, you can always cruise our online menu to see exactly what we have in stock. You are able to make an online order as well and you can conveniently drop by for in-store pick-up!